Your Electronics - Repair - Specialist - World wide
E l e c t r o n i c s - T e c h n i c i a n a n d
M a s t e r o f E l e c t r o t e c h n i c s
We repair your Computers, low cost but high level quality.
We are real electronics hardware specialist.
Thats a CPU-Cooler inside Computer after 2 years working or if
the CPU is burned down (right pic a notebook cooler).
Don't let it get that far, let the computer cleaned inside at least every 2 years.
(zoom pic with right mouse key)
But dont do it by your self, you need a special workplace.
Pay attention where you give your computer for repair / service.
Most of the Computer Shops are not equiped and have not the know how
for make the complex repair / service on a computer Mainboard.