Your Electronics - Repair - Specialist - world wide
E l e c t r o n i c s - T e c h n i c i a n   a n d   M a s t e r   o f   E l e c t r o t e c h n i c s

We repair your complete IT- and games Equipment + game consoles + LCD + Monitors +
PowerAdaptors + Battery loaders + cabels + adaptors and all of the equipment for
playing games + we organize lost equipment or exchange old or broken ones.
Naturally you can send your devices egal from where ever on the world.
You will receive allways a free estimate of cost, after that you decide
repair or not - and if not then we send back for free.


Modern LCD-LED and monitors and game consoles breaks often times after waranty.
especially chinese producer use bad components inside devices they are break
after calculated time (mostly 2.5 years) have to break..

Right side pic you see a small device with broken USB mini.
Many times this plug breaks or lost on GAME or NAVI or PDA.
Here we are and help - with low cost but high level and waranty.

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